A mysterious and rather self-centered stranger who has an amulet that points to Burk. He now follows Burk around, trying to find his secrets.
The Aristrocrat is hilariously and also annoyingly boastful to all those around him, and constantly spouts destiny nonesense and how being a royal such as him can grant him some very 'special' positions or even allowing him to use magic items such as the amulet. Even with his great idiocy, The Aristrocrat is quite clever during combat situations and uses his environment all items at his position to overcome his opponents.
The Aristrocrat, thanks to his bloodlines, believes he needs to be treated like a king at all times; having extravegant rooms and grooming, peasants feeding him grapes by hand and so on and so forth. As a result many of the characters in the comic find it hard to be around and want to get rid of him. He also has no problems with quickly changing sides depending on whose winning, or which one will help him become the greatest hero the world has ever happened to have. Despite his villan-like antics, he does have his boundaries on who he hurts and who much so.
When the former King Ramien was badly wounded, the Aristrocrat didn't think twice before using spirit to heal him, showing that under all the boasting and quite frankly, jerk tendencies, the Aristrocrat has some heart in him.
Spirit Magic:[]
From the looks of The Aristrocrat, he has quite good understanding of Spirit Magic; being able to use it to enhance his physical abilities, to defend, heal, and even 'enchant' certain items, such as Burk's bag with it. However, he is most potent at an offensive usage of Spirit, always being sure to using it when delivering his infamous 'Destiny Punch'.
Despite his good knowledge of how spirit operates and many of its techniques he isn't afraid or is just stupid enough to use it until he gains some serious injuries.