Delhara is a stern, and loudmouthed woman, and one of the founders and leaders of Rauel. She manages the Dungeon exploration missions that People of Rauel go on[1].
Delhara is stern, strict and focused. She has a loud and rather impolite tongue in comparison to the other founders of Rauel[2]. As one of the people that help manage the Dungeon exploration missions she is always firmly strict about not only the members of the team, their current levels of experience but also expects that higher levelled and competent members have the necessary concern AND responsibility to help take care of the team as a whole.
She seems to be quite socially aware as well, seeing as she has accurate knowledge as to how the people of Rauel have seen her and her compatriots as 'old relics' past their prime[3].
None that are known.
Delhara was likely able to use the Legendary Weapons in her youth when founding Rauel Village, as she possesses knowledge of what they are and their history.
Delhara came with King Baku to the Shira Desert, and like the rest of her founders helped found Rauel. Please refer here, for more information about this particular topic.