Hero oh Hero Wiki

Gesiah is one of the founders of Rauel, he seems quite forgetful in his old age, but despite this continues, or at least tries to, fill the role of a public mission announcer in the city.

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Gesiah's senility seems to be catching up with him as he seems to forget, mid-conversation, what he was even talking about to begin with [1]. He prefers for Delhara to make announcements [2] in his stead likely because he can not scream as loud as she can. According to Tobi, Delhara is still preferable as a mission announcer even with her ill-mannered remarks over Gesiah[3]. Reasons for which can be inferred.

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Powers and Abilities

In his youth, Gesiah was possibly proficient in the use of the Legendary Weapons. Besides that possible implication none are known.

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Very little is known about Gesiah besides that, decades ago, he journeyed with Delhara and King Baku and cleared the Shira Desert of its monsters to help build the village they now call home [4].