Hero oh Hero Wiki

Kadu is an ex-military man who participated in Red Mind's Death Run. He did not come to participate out of desperation like most, instead the martial artist was looking for a life or death challenge.

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Kadu is a determined and level headed person, confident in his abilities to beat death run. Despite being caught off guard a few times, he keeps his cool and pushes forward [1].

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Powers and Abilities

Kadu is an expert martial artist and possesses above average athleticism, getting past most of the obstacles and traps in his round of death run with ease. He is however caught off guard by Mr. Slippy, naively jumping straight onto the platform before being sent down into a sea of saws[2].

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Kadu used to be part of the military, which one being unknown. He came to Red Mind looking for a challenge. He was labelled as contestant number forty five and was the top rated entrant for the day[3]. He failed his run but its unknown whether or not he died because of it.

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  • Kadu was voted 6th in the totally 'official' Hero oh Hero Annual Character Popularity Poll.

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