Hero oh Hero Wiki

A golem (likely made by Emporio Garrimon) that follows Tobi around as a guardian. The Global Order is desperately trying to capture it.

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Despite his lack of dialogue, he seems to be a general good judge of character and seems to be steadfast in his glitchy and incomprehensible responses. However, all of the actions he has taken have only be done to further help or protect Tobi. Even if it means hurting, or even sabotaging others for her sake.

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Powers and Abilities

Eldritch-Like Powers:[]

Not much is known about the true powers that Three is wielding. From details in the comic, three seems to be to sprout and stretch his arms into gruesome, tentacle-like spears that are akin to the Pod Soldiers. Three is also able to in some ways 'adapt' to the attacks of his enemies; almost mimicking the weapons or powers used to damage him.

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